Jack nurtured a regular clientele of successful local business people, developing a customer base for generations to come.
The Eighties saw Jack Bunneys develop into ‘Men’s Fashion Retailer’ selling ready-made designer label clothing and opening (it’s now famous) wedding hire department. The Eighties were boom years for the South East and Jack Bunneys new clientele reflected this new more affluent consumer. It was also in this period that Jack Bunney retired, selling the business to two of his then employees: Terry & Peter.
Terry and Peter modernized Jack Bunneys throughout the 80’s and 90’s selling the very best of European made men’s clothing and developing a ‘Hire’ service that was fast becoming the main stay of the business.
After the millennium Terry and Peter’s children: Marc and Robert became company directors of Jack Bunney Limited and led Jack Bunneys into another era. Robert and Marc focused the attention of Jack Bunneys onto the formal industry. They developed a reputation for designing innovative and successful ‘Wedding Suits’ their attention to detail and ability to predict the trends became Jack Bunneys Hallmark.
The last ten years has seen Jack Bunneys lead the way as the men’s formal wear industry has transformed. Leading with the superior tailors design skills and ability to innovate whilst predicting trends.